The Dos and Don’ts of Bringing a Backpack to an Interview

Last updated on September 14th, 2023 at 05:28 pm

bringing a backpack to an interview

While interviewing for your dream job, first impressions are key in order to making a good one. You want prospective employers to see you as a competent, capable professional – not someone who just shows up unorganized and unprepared.

Although there are many articles out there about what to wear to an interview, there is less advice on what to bring. However, we believe that what you bring with you to an interview is just as important as what you wear.

Read this article to learn whether bringing a backpack to an interview is a wise decision and how to use your backpack to make a great first impression.

The Importance of First Impressions

It’s no secret that first impressions matter. In fact, research has shown that you have just a few seconds to make a good first impression. And while a good first impression can open doors, a bad one can close them just as quickly.

In a job interview, your first impression is especially important. After all, you’re trying to impress a potential employer, and you want to make sure you put your best foot forward.

First impressions are based on body language, verbal communication, and how you dress. They are incredibly important in the interview process because they are a way for the interviewer to immediately get an idea of who you are as a person.

Your body language communicates a lot about you. It can convey confidence, or it can make you appear nervous and afraid. It is important to be aware of your body language and to make sure that it is sending the right message. Maintaining eye contact, sitting up straight, and avoiding fidgeting are all important aspects of maintaining good body language.

Your verbal communication is also important. The way you speak conveys a lot about your personality. If you come across as confident and articulate, it will make a good impression. If you stumble over your words or seem nervous, it will not reflect well on you.

Finally, your appearance is also important. It is important to dress professionally and to be well-groomed. This shows that you are taking the interview seriously and that you are willing to make an effort.

formal dress

Can You Bring a Backpack to an Interview?

carrying a backpack

You’ve finally landed an interview for your dream job. Congrats! The hard part is over, right? Not quite. Now it’s time to start preparing for the interview itself, which can be just as daunting as searching for the perfect job in the first place.

One of the first questions you might have is: Can you bring a backpack to an interview? The answer, unluckily, is not as clear-cut as you might expect.

The conventional wisdom is that you should always err on the side of caution when it comes to interview attire. This means dressing on the nicer side and leaving any casual items, like backpacks, at home.

However, there are exceptions to every rule. If you know for sure that the company you’re interviewing with has a casual dress code, then it might be okay to bring a backpack. The key is to make sure that your backpack looks professional and polished, not like something you would use for a day hike.

Of course, the best way to avoid any backpack-related controversy is to simply leave it at home. Bring a tote bag or briefcase instead. This way, you’ll never have to wonder whether or not you made the right call.

How to Choose the Right Backpack for the Interview?

Here are a few tips on how to choose the right backpack for the job interview:

1. Make sure the backpack is clean and free of any stains or dirt

First impressions matter and a clean backpack will show that you are detail-oriented and take pride in your appearance.

2. Choose a backpack that is professional in appearance

 An interview is not the time to bust out your colorful, funky backpack. Stick with a more muted color palette and a simple, clean design.

3. Opt for a backpack with multiple compartments

This will show that you are organized and can efficiently pack your belongings.

4. Avoid choosing a backpack that is too small or too large

You want to strike a balance between showing that you can carry all of your belongings and not looking like you are lugging around a suitcase.

5. Consider the type of interview you are going on

If you are interviewing for a more casual position, you may be able to get away with a more relaxed backpack choice. However, if you are interviewing for a corporate job, it is best to err on the side of caution and go with a more professional backpack.

6. Choose a backpack that keeps its shape

There are some backpacks that are designed to keep their shape, even when they’re not being worn or kept on a surface. This creates a polished look that will show you’re taking the interview seriously.

What to Avoid When Bringing a Backpack to an Interview?

While it might not seem like a big deal to bring a backpack to an interview, it can send the wrong message to your potential employer. Here are a few things to avoid when bringing a backpack to an interview:

1. Avoid bringing a backpack that is too big or bulky.

2. Avoid bringing a backpack that is too casual.

3. Avoid bringing a backpack that is too full.

4. Avoid bringing a backpack that is too empty.

5. Avoid bringing a backpack that contains anything that could be considered a distraction.

By following these tips, you can make sure that you’re sending the right message to your potential employer when you walk into your interview.

What to Pack in Your Backpack for the Interview?

With the high stakes of a job interview, you want to be as prepared as possible. Part of that preparation is knowing what to bring with you to the interview. This is especially important if you have to travel to the interview, which may mean you have to pack everything in a backpack.

Here is a list of items you should include in your backpack for the interview:

Extra copies of your resume

You should always bring at least two copies of your resume to an interview. This way, you can give one to the interviewer if they need it and you will also have a copy for yourself in case you need to refer to it during the interview.

A list of references

It is always a good idea to have a list of references handy in case the interviewer asks for them. Make sure to include references who can speak to your work ethic, character, and skills.

A notepad and pen

You will want to take notes during the interview so you can remember what was discussed. Plus, it shows that you are engaged and interested in the position.

A portfolio

If you have a portfolio of your work, be sure to bring it with you. This is a great way to showcase your skills and accomplishments.

A folder

This can be used to keep all of your materials organized and together.

Breath mints

You want to make sure you have fresh breath for your interview, so pack a few breath mints in your backpack.

A water bottle

It is important to stay hydrated, so bring a water bottle with you to drink before and during the interview.

A jacket

You never know if the office will be cold, so it is always a good idea to bring a jacket with you.

How to Use Your Backpack to Make a Great First Impression?

holding a backpack

In today’s job market, it’s not just what you know, but also how you present yourself during the interview process that can make or break your chances of getting hired. Making a great first impression starts with your appearance and extends to your body language and the way you carry yourself.

One of the first things that potential employers will notice about you is the way you are dressed and how you carry yourself. If you show up to the interview dressed inappropriately or looking unkempt, it will reflect poorly on you and your candidacy. The same goes for if you show up to the interview with a backpack.

The first rule of using a backpack as luggage for a job interview is to leave it at home if at all possible. If you must bring it, make sure it’s small, neat, and uncluttered. A backpack screams “I’m still in school!” and you want to present yourself as a professional. If you have to bring a backpack, avoid wearing it during the actual interview.

While it may seem like a small detail, the way you carry your backpack can actually make a big impression on potential employers. If you carry your backpack slung over one shoulder, it can come across as casual and unprofessional. On the other hand, if you carry your backpack in both hands in front of you, it can make you look nervous or unsure of yourself.

The best way to carry your backpack for an interview is to hold it by the straps in one hand so that it hangs down at your side. This shows that you are confident and ready for the interview. It also frees up your other hand so that you can shake hands with the interviewer when you meet them.

In addition to carrying your backpack in a professional manner, you should also make sure that it is clean and organized. A messy backpack with papers sticking out of it will make you look disorganized and unprepared. Potential employers will view you as someone who is not detail-oriented and who will not be able to handle the job.

Once you’re in the interview, the focus should be on you, not your stuff. A backpack draws attention away from what you’re saying and makes you look more like a tourist than a job candidate. If you’re carrying a backpack, put it down on the ground next to you so it’s not a distraction.

Also Read: Why Use a Smart Bag?


We hope you found this article helpful. Remember that first impressions are important, and what you wear to an interview is a big part of that. Ultimately you should use your best judgment when deciding whether or not to bring a backpack to your interview. If you do decide to bring a backpack, make sure it is clean, professional-looking, and not too bulky.

Bringing a Backpack to an Interview: FAQs

Is it unprofessional to carry a backpack to an interview?

Carrying a backpack to an interview generally falls into one of two categories: it is either seen as unprofessional or as a sign that you are not taking the interview seriously.
If you choose to carry a backpack, be sure to avoid any childish or unkempt designs. You should also make sure that the backpack is not overly full or bulky, as this will give the impression that you are not organized. Finally, be sure to keep the backpack out of sight during the actual interview, as it can be a distraction.

What 3 items should you always bring to an interview?

A great interview starts long before you ever step into the room. In order to make sure you’re as prepared as possible, there are a few key items you should always bring with you. First, you’ll need a copy of your resume. This will help you refresh your memory of your experience and accomplishments.
Second, you should bring a list of questions to ask your interviewer. This shows that you’re prepared and interested in the position. Finally, you should always bring a notepad and pen. This way, you can take notes during the interview and follow up with your interviewer after the meeting.

What should you not bring to an interview?

There are a few things you should avoid bringing with you to an interview, as they can be a major distraction or even a deal-breaker.
Your cell phone: It’s important to be present and focused during an interview, so resist the urge to check your phone. Silence it and put it away before the interview starts.
Candy or gum: No one wants to hear you crunching or see you popping gum during an interview. Avoid eating or drinking anything during the interview, as it can be the main distraction.
Hats or sunglasses: You want the interviewer to be able to see your face, so avoid wearing hats or sunglasses.

Is it right to use a backpack with a suit?

It is generally considered to be inappropriate to wear a backpack with a suit. Backpacks are typically seen as casual attire, while suits are more formal. Wearing a backpack with a suit can give the impression that you are not taking the meeting or event seriously.
If you must wear a backpack with a suit, there are a few things you can do to try to minimize the impact. First, choose a backpack that is not too bulky or loud in color. Second, make sure the backpack is not hanging too low on your back – it should be close to your body.