What Is Dry Camping? 6 Reasons to Try It This Year

what is dry camping

Picture this: camping under a sky full of stars, far from the noise and crowds of busy campgrounds. It’s just you, the wilderness, and the soothing sounds of nature. No hookups, no reservations – just total freedom.

So, what is dry camping? It’s a way of camping that takes you off the grid, where you say goodbye to modern conveniences like water, electricity, and sewage connections.

Also known as boondocking, dry camping is for those who crave solitude and adventure. Whether you’re setting up camp on public lands, deep in a remote forest, or even in a parking lot, it’s all about escaping the usual hustle and embracing the quiet.

The best part? Dry camping gives you the freedom to explore stunning, untouched landscapes while relying on your own resourcefulness.

In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know – from essential gear to tips on finding that perfect spot. Ready to dive into a new kind of camping adventure? Let’s get started!

Unveiling the Escape: What is Dry Camping?

boondocking in a remote area

Dry camping, also called boondocking or off-grid camping, is all about escaping into nature without the usual amenities – no water, electricity, or sewage hookups. So, what is dry camping exactly? At its heart, it’s about self-sufficiency. Instead of staying in a fully equipped campground, you park your RV, a camper, or set up a tent in remote spots, often far from civilization. This minimalist camping style focuses on simplicity and a deep connection to the natural world.

Unlike traditional campgrounds with all the conveniences, dry camping requires you to bring everything you need – water, food, power, and more. It’s about being prepared but also about embracing a simpler way of living. Without modern distractions, you can fully immerse yourself in the serenity of your surroundings, whether it’s a desert landscape, a forested mountain, or a peaceful lakeshore.

The real appeal of boondocking is the freedom it offers. You’re not limited to crowded campgrounds or noisy RV parks. Instead, you pick your spot, set up camp, and soak in the quiet beauty of nature. For many, this escape from the hustle and bustle of daily life is the biggest draw. Picture waking up to a breathtaking sunrise over a remote valley or falling asleep under a sky full of stars, free from the pull of technology.

But dry camping isn’t for everyone. It takes planning and respect for the environment. Campers need to be mindful of their impact, following Leave No Trace principles to keep the area pristine. With no amenities, planning ahead for waste disposal, water use, and power is essential.

For those seeking adventure, dry camping offers the perfect mix of solitude, nature, and self-reliance. Whether you’re a seasoned camper or just starting out, understanding what dry camping is and how to prepare for it can open up a world of unforgettable off-grid experiences.

The Allure of Dry Camping: Seclusion, Savings, and Serenity

Dry camping is all about freedom, adventure, and stripping things down to the basics. So, what is dry camping’s real draw? It’s the perfect mix of saving money, finding peace, and getting closer to nature.

Cost-Effective Adventures

One of the best things about dry camping is how budget-friendly it is. Traditional campgrounds often charge fees for hookups like water, electricity, and waste disposal. But when you dry camp, you can skip those costs entirely.

For longer trips, this can save you a lot of money. Imagine weeks on the road without worrying about nightly campground fees – those savings add up fast, leaving you with more cash to put toward your next big adventure.

Seclusion and Serenity

Beyond saving money, dry camping offers something even better: peace and quiet. Unlike crowded campgrounds filled with noise and people, dry camping lets you retreat to peaceful, remote locations.

Picture yourself next to a calm lake, miles from the nearest town, with only the sounds of nature around you. It’s the perfect setting for relaxing and reconnecting with yourself.

Untouched Beauty

The wild, unspoiled beauty of nature is a huge part of dry camping’s appeal. This kind of camping often takes you to stunning landscapes you won’t find at traditional campsites.

Whether it’s a vast desert, a hidden forest clearing, or a rugged mountain vista, these off-grid spots offer jaw-dropping views and wildlife encounters that make every moment feel special.

Self-Reliance and Resourcefulness

Dry camping also challenges you to be more self-reliant. With no hookups or amenities, you’re in charge of your own water, power, and food supplies.

This minimalist approach not only sharpens your survival skills but also makes you appreciate the basics. There’s something empowering about knowing you can thrive on your own in the wilderness.

Finding Your Dry Camping Oasis

One of the greatest perks of dry camping is the freedom it gives you to pick your own perfect spot. Unlike traditional camping, where you’re confined to designated areas with amenities, dry camping opens up a world of possibilities.

Whether you’re chasing solitude in nature or just need a quick stopover, there’s a dry camping oasis out there waiting for you. Let’s explore a few popular options:

Public Lands: Nature’s Open Invitation

If wide-open spaces and stunning views are calling your name, public lands are a dream come true for dry campers. National forests, grasslands, and Bureau of Land Management (BLM) lands offer plenty of dispersed camping opportunities.

Dispersed camping means you can set up outside of the usual campgrounds, so you’re free to find that perfect spot – whether it’s by a peaceful stream, under shady trees, or on a scenic hillside. Just be sure to check local regulations, as they can vary, but in many cases, you can enjoy these beautiful spaces for free.

Walmart Parking Lots: A Surprising Dry Camping Stop

When you’re on a long road trip and need a convenient place to rest, dry camping at a Walmart parking lot might be the answer. It may not have the natural beauty of the wilderness, but many Walmart stores allow overnight parking with the manager’s approval.

This is a popular choice for RVers looking for a quick, easy stop between destinations. Just check in with the store manager first and respect any rules. It’s not glamorous, but it can be a real lifesaver on the road.

Private Property: A Personal Dry Camping Retreat

Sometimes, the best dry camping spots are closer than you think. If you know someone with a bit of extra land, why not ask if you can camp on their property? It’s a great way to enjoy the peace of dry camping while staying close to friends or family.

Whether it’s a quiet backyard, a secluded farm, or a sprawling field, camping on private property offers a blend of comfort and solitude. Just make sure to get permission and agree on any rules to keep everyone happy.

Gear Up for Adventure: Dry Camping Essentials

Dry camping, or boondocking, is all about freedom – no hookups, no crowds, just you and nature. But with that freedom comes responsibility. Since you’ll be off the grid without typical campground amenities, careful planning is key to a smooth and enjoyable trip.

Let’s dive into the essential gear and supplies you’ll need to make your dry camping adventure a success.

Be Prepared: Must-Have Gear and Supplies

Water: Water is your most crucial supply when dry camping. With no hookups available, you’ll need to bring enough for drinking, cooking, and cleaning.

A good rule of thumb is about one gallon of water per person per day, though this can vary depending on the weather and your activities. If your rig has limited water storage, consider packing extra portable containers.

Waste Disposal: Managing waste properly is a big part of dry camping. Make sure you’re equipped to handle both greywater (from sinks and showers) and blackwater (from toilets).

Check local regulations and have the necessary gear – like portable tanks or bags – to dispose of waste responsibly.

Power: Think ahead about your power needs. Solar panels are popular among dry campers for their quiet, renewable energy. Portable generators are also an option, especially for appliances that need more power.

Depending on your trip length and weather, you may want a combination of solar and generator power.

Climate-Appropriate Gear: The elements can be unpredictable, so pack accordingly. For cooler climates, bring warm clothing and extra blankets.

If you’re heading to hot or desert areas, prioritize sun protection, breathable clothing, and extra water. Tailor your gear to suit the environment you’ll be in.

Respect Nature: Follow Leave No Trace Principles

Dry camping allows you to experience nature at its purest, so it’s essential to protect it. Follow Leave No Trace principles to minimize your impact: pack out all trash, use established fire rings or camp stoves to reduce campfire impact, and respect wildlife by not disturbing their habitats.

Leaving the area as you found it ensures that others can enjoy it too.

Level Up Your Adventure: Dry Camping Pro Tips

Once you’ve got the basics of dry camping down, it’s time to take your adventures to the next level. With the right mindset and a few key upgrades, you can turn dry camping into a truly immersive and self-reliant experience.

Here are some pro tips to help you make the most of your time off the grid.

Master Solar Power

Becoming a solar-savvy camper is a game-changer. Investing in a reliable solar power system lets you generate renewable energy, allowing you to stay off-grid longer.

Whether you’re charging devices, running small appliances, or keeping the lights on, solar panels provide power without the noise or hassle of generators.

As you master solar energy, you’ll find your dry camping trips lasting longer and feeling more in tune with nature.

Embrace the Simple Life

One of the best parts of dry camping is the opportunity to simplify. Without hookups or modern distractions, you can fully disconnect and enjoy the peace of nature.

Unplug from your daily routine – put down your phone, shut off your devices, and soak in your surroundings.

Whether you’re reading a book, hiking, or just watching the sunset, dry camping encourages you to slow down and savor life’s simple pleasures.

Discover Hidden Gems

Dry camping often takes you to places that aren’t on the usual campground maps – those hidden gems that offer unique experiences and stunning views.

Whether it’s a secluded lakeside retreat, a rugged mountain trail, or a remote desert hideaway, these off-the-beaten-path spots are often uncrowded and full of natural beauty.

By seeking out these hidden gems, you’ll unlock unforgettable adventures and discover the true freedom of dry camping.

Also Read: Home Camping Ideas


In a world packed with noise and distractions, dry camping is your ticket to peace and freedom. It’s an invitation to leave the comforts of hookups behind and dive into the simplicity of off-grid living.

Whether you’re craving solitude in the wilderness or looking to uncover hidden gems, dry camping offers a fresh way to connect with the outdoors on your own terms.

From managing your resources to exploring remote landscapes, it’s all about embracing self-reliance, chasing adventure, and enjoying the thrill of the unknown.

Ready to ditch the crowded campgrounds and see where dry camping takes you? Grab your gear, trust your instincts, and let the open road guide you to your next great escape.

Also Read: Shelter Ideas for Camping

What is Dry Camping: FAQs

What is another name for dry camping?

Dry camping also goes by the name boondocking. It’s a favorite term among RVers and describes camping without any hookups – no water, electricity, or sewage.
Boondocking is all about off-grid adventures, where you can escape to remote spots and fully embrace the freedom of self-sufficient, minimalist outdoor living.

How do you keep dry camping?

Keeping your dry camping adventure going is all about smart planning and resource management. Start by making sure you’ve got enough water for drinking, cooking, and cleaning. For power, consider using solar panels or a generator.
Minimizing waste is key too – have a plan for disposing of trash and wastewater properly. Embrace a minimalist mindset by packing just the essentials and focusing on the beauty of off-grid living.
With the right prep and a self-sufficient approach, you can stretch your dry camping experience for days, even weeks!

How much water do I need for dry camping?

When dry camping, a good rule of thumb is to pack at least one gallon of water per person per day. This should cover drinking, cooking, and basic hygiene needs.
If you’re heading into a hot climate or planning a lot of physical activity, you might need more. For longer trips, it’s smart to bring extra water storage or think about getting a portable water filtration system.
Managing your water wisely is the secret to stretching your off-grid adventure while staying hydrated and comfortable out there.