Last updated on November 18th, 2022 at 06:34 am

How to Carry Skateboard on Backpack: 7 Simple but Secure Ways

how to carry skateboard on backpack

Skateboarding is a great way to get around, but it can be tough to carry your skateboard with you when you’re not using it. If you’re tired of carrying it in your hand, there’s a better way. You can easily attach the skateboard to your backpack. In this post, we’ll show you how to carry skateboard on backpack with a few simple supplies.

Why Put a Skateboard on Your Backpack?

Ever seen somebody walking around with a skateboard attached to their backpack and wondered, “Why in the world would they do that?” Well, there are actually a few good reasons.

For one, it’s a great way to show off your style. A skateboard on your backpack is a cool, unique accessory that can make you stand out from the crowd. But it’s not just about looks – a skateboard on your backpack can also be functional. It’s a great way to carry your skateboard with you on the go, without having to lug it around by hand. Plus, it’s always there when you need it – no more looking for a skatepark or halfpipe when you’re feeling the need to skate.

So if you’re looking for a way to show off your personality and keep your skateboard handy, fix it to your backpack.

7 Ways to Carry Skateboard on Backpack

There are a lot of different techniques to carry a skateboard on a backpack, but not all of them are equal. Some are more comfortable, while others are more stylish. In this section, we’ll explore 7 different ways to put a skateboard on a backpack, so you can find the perfect method for you.

How to Put a Skateboard on a Backpack With Straps

This is a great way to transport your skateboard if you don’t have a lot of space, or if you’re going to be walking for a long distance.

First, you’ll need a backpack with shoulder straps that are wide enough to fit your skateboard. If you don’t have a skateboard-specific backpack, you can use a regular backpack or even a fishing tackle bag. Just make sure that the shoulder straps are wide enough to support the weight of your skateboard.

The first step is to loosen the shoulder straps. Do this by pulling on the strap until it is at its longest possible length.

Then, place the skateboard on your back so that the top of the deck is level with your shoulders. Rest the middle of the deck on your spine and make sure the front and tail of the skateboard are equally balanced on either side of your body.

Once the skateboard is in place, tighten the shoulder straps so that the skateboard is secured to your back.

You may need to experiment with different strap lengths to find the most comfortable and secure fit. And that’s it! You’re now ready to carry your skateboard on your back like a boss.

How to Carry Skateboard on Backpack Using Clips

Backpack clips are a great way to carry your skateboard with you without having to lug it around all the time. Plus, they’re super easy to use. Here’s how you can make use of them:

First, find a backpack that has clips on the outside. You can usually find these kinds of backpacks at skate shops or online.

Next, take your skateboard and place it vertically on the outside of your backpack so that the trucks are pointing outwards.

Then, clip the backpack straps onto the skateboard trucks. Make sure the clips are tight so that the skateboard doesn’t fall out.

Use a Lanyard to Attach Your Skateboard

Lanyards are a great way to keep your skateboard securely attached to your backpack while you’re on the go. Here’s how to use lanyards to carry your skateboard:

Start by threading the lanyard through the top of your skateboard deck and tie it off.

Next, thread the lanyard through the backpack strap.

Finally, tie the lanyard in a knot or bow to secure it in place.

And that’s it! Now you can carry your skateboard with you wherever you go, without having to worry about it falling off or getting lost.

Make Use of a Deck Hook to Carry Your Skateboard

If you love skateboarding, then you know how important it is to have a deck hook. A deck hook is a small device that you can use to attach your skateboard to your backpack. This is essential for skateboarders who want to be able to carry their skateboard with them wherever they go.

So how do you use a deck hook to carry your skateboard on your backpack? It’s actually pretty simple. Just follow these steps and you’ll be skateboarding in no time.

First, find a backpack that has a sturdy strap. The strap should be able to support the weight of your skateboard.

Next, attach the deck hook to the strap of your backpack. Make sure that the hook is securely in place.

Finally, put your skateboard on top of the hook and make sure that it is securely attached.

Fix Your Skateboard With Bungee Cords

We all know the feeling of dread when we see our skateboard fall off the back of our backpacks. But did you know that you can use bungee cords to keep your skateboard securely attached to your backpack? It’s easy to do, and it will keep your skateboard from bouncing around or falling off when you’re not using it.

Here’s how to do it:

First, find two bungee cords that are the same length. You can usually find these at your local hardware store.

Next, tie one end of each cord to your skateboard. Make sure the cord is tight so that your skateboard won’t slip out.

Then, tie the other end of the cords to the back loops of your backpack. Again, make certain the cord is fastened properly.

So next time you hit the skate park, be sure to bring along a bungee cord to make transporting your skateboard a breeze.

Attach Your Skateboard With a Duct Tape

Looking for a fun and easy way to attach your skateboard to your backpack? Look no further than duct tape! Duct tape is strong and durable, making it the perfect material for this project. Plus, it’s easy to find and relatively inexpensive.

First, measure out a length of duct tape that’s long enough to go around your backpack and skateboard. Cut the tape and peel off one side of the adhesive.

Next, wrap the duct tape around the center of your skateboard and attach it to your backpack. Make sure the tape is wrapped tightly so the skateboard doesn’t come loose.

Now you’re ready to go! Just make sure to check your skateboard before you head out, and have a great time skating around town.

Carry Skateboard Inside Your Backpack

Here are a few tips on how to carry your skateboard inside your backpack:

Make sure that your backpack is big enough to fit your skateboard. You don’t want it to be too tight, as this can damage the skateboard.

Take some time to find a good spot for your skateboard inside the backpack. You want it to be secure, so it doesn’t move around too much.

If your backpack has a dedicated skateboard compartment, use it. This will help keep your board from getting jumbled up with your other stuff.

Wrap the skateboard in a towel and place it vertically in your backpack. This will help protect your board from getting scratched up.

Once you have your skateboard in the backpack, make sure to zip it up! This will help keep it safe and secure.

5 Tips for Carrying Skateboard on Your Backpack

If you’re a skateboarder, you know that carrying your skateboard around can be a pain. You can’t just throw it in your backpack like you would with a book or a laptop. But with a little bit of planning, you can easily carry your skateboard in your backpack without any problems. Here are 10 tips to help you do just that:

1. Choose the right backpack. A skateboard backpack should have a wide, padded strap that goes across your chest. This will help distribute the weight of the skateboard evenly and prevent the backpack from slipping off your shoulders.

2. Consider a backpack with a designated skateboard compartment. This will keep your skateboard from getting scratched up by other items in your backpack.

3. When packing your backpack, put the skateboard in first. This will keep it from getting squeezed.

4. Avoid backpacks with hard frames or edges that could damage the skateboard.

5. Make sure the skateboard is secure by trying to shake the backpack.


We hope you like these tips on how to carry skateboard on backpack. Skateboarding is a great way to get around, and it’s even more fun when you don’t have to worry about carrying your skateboard. With a little planning, you can make sure your skateboard always has a safe ride.

Now that you know how to do it, you can hit the streets and enjoy your favorite activity without any concern.

How to Carry Skateboard on Backpack: FAQs

How can I carry my skateboard?

Carrying your skateboard can be a bit of a hassle, especially if you’re trying to do it without a bag or a case. But with a little bit of creativity, it is possible to carry your skateboard without any problems. Here are a few ways you can carry your skateboard:
Under your arm: This is the simplest way to carry your skateboard, but it can be a bit uncomfortable if the skateboard is large or if you have to walk for a long distance.
In a backpack: If you have a backpack, you can easily carry your skateboard inside of it. Just make sure that the backpack is big enough to fit the skateboard.
On your shoulders: This is another easy way to carry your skateboard, but it can be a bit bulky if the skateboard is large.

Can I put my skateboard in my backpack?

Yes, you can put your skateboard in your backpack, but there are some points to remember. First, your skateboard will need to be properly secured so that it doesn’t damage your backpack or anything else inside. You’ll also want to make sure that your skateboard is not too big for your backpack – otherwise, it will be difficult to carry. Finally, you’ll want to consider the weight of your skateboard and how it will affect the overall weight of your backpack. With a little planning, you can easily pack your skateboard in your backpack and hit the road.

Where do you keep your skateboard?

Assuming you are asking where the best place to store a skateboard is, the answer is in a cool, dry place. Skateboards are made of wood and metal, and both materials are susceptible to damage from extreme heat or humidity. So it’s important to store your skateboard in a place where the temperature and humidity are controlled.
The best place to store a skateboard is in a closet or on a shelf in a room that is not exposed to direct sunlight or extreme temperatures. You can also buy special skateboard racks that are designed to protect your skateboard from damage.

How often should I clean my skateboard?

Assuming you actually ride your skateboard and don’t just use it as wall art, you should be cleaning it fairly regularly. A good rule of thumb is to clean it after every session – or at least once a week.
Cleaning your skateboard is important for two main reasons. First, it will help to keep your board in good condition and extend its lifespan. Second, it will help to keep you safe when you’re riding. A clean board is less likely to break or splinter, and it will provide you with a better grip when you’re riding.
So how do you clean a skateboard? The best way is to simply rinse it off with water after every session. You can also use a mild soap or deck wax to clean it more thoroughly. Just be sure to rinse it well afterwards so that the soap doesn’t damage it.

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