Last updated on December 23rd, 2022 at 12:22 pm

How to Make Backpacking With Kids a Breeze: 19 Tips For Parents

backpacking with kids

Taking your kids backpacking can be an incredibly rewarding experience. Spending time in nature with your children is a great way to bond and create lasting memories. However, it’s important to be prepared before you embark on your backpacking adventure.

With a little planning and the right attitude, backpacking with kids can be a breeze! In this article, we’ll give you some valuable tips for making your adventure a fun and easy experience for everyone involved.

Why Backpacking with Kids is a Great Idea

Backpacking with kids is a great way to bond with them while enjoying the great outdoors. Here are five reasons why backpacking with kids is a great idea:

It Gets Them Away From Screens and Technology

In our tech-driven world, it’s important to get kids away from screens and technology and into nature. Backpacking with kids is a great way to do this. It gets them away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and into the quiet beauty of the outdoors.

Backpacking with Kids is a Great Way to Bond

If you’re looking for a vacation that will please everyone in the family, consider backpacking with kids. Backpacking is a great way to bond with your children and create memories that will last a lifetime.

Backpacking trips can be short or long, depending on your family’s schedule and preferences. There are even backpacking trails specifically designed for families with young children. No matter where you go, backpacking with kids is a great way to get some exercise, enjoy the great outdoors, and spend quality time together as a family.

The Respect for Nature that Backpacking Teaches

Backpacking can be a great way to teach your kids about the natural world and instill respect for nature. By getting them out into the wilderness and away from the comforts of home, they can learn to appreciate the beauty and fragility of the environment.

The Stamina and Confidence that Backpacking Builds in Kids

Backpacking requires children to use all their muscles as they walk for long periods of time carrying a backpack. This helps them build stamina and endurance. In addition, backpacking also gives children a sense of accomplishment and confidence. They are able to challenge themselves and overcome obstacles, which can lead to a boost in self-esteem.

The Life Skills that Backpacking Instills

Backpacking is more than just a great way to see the world. It can also be a great way to teach kids responsibility, independence, and other important life skills.

For example, when kids are backpacking, they have to take care of all their own belongings. They need to keep track of their things, make sure they don’t lose anything and pack and unpack their bags each day. This teaches them to be organized and careful with their belongings.

Backpacking also requires kids to be independent. They have to be able to navigate on their own, find their way around unfamiliar places, and make decisions without the help of adults. This independence can be very empowering for kids and help them build confidence in themselves.

Tips for Backpacking With Kids

Here are 19 tips for parents to make the most of their backpacking trip:

Planning Stage

planning backpacking

Start early

It’s best to start backpacking with kids when they are young. This will allow them to get used to being in a carrier and give you time to build up your strength and endurance before they get too heavy.

Choose the right gear

No matter how experienced you are as a backpacker, bringing your kids along will require some adjustments to your normal routine. Be sure to select gear that is specifically designed for use with children, such as Kid-sized sleeping bags, backpacks, and tents.

Invest in a good backpack for your child. A well-made backpack will make carrying all of your child’s gear much easier.

Plan your route carefully

Choose a route that is not too challenging, and make sure there are plenty of opportunities for exploration and discovery along the way.

Talk about the different things they’ll see and do, and answer any questions they have. It’s also a good idea to provide them with a packing list so they know exactly what to bring.

Plan interesting activities along the way

When planning your backpacking trip, be sure to take into account the abilities and interests of your young ones. Boredom can quickly set in when backpacking with kids, so plan some fun activities to keep everyone entertained.

Choose activities carefully

Doing lessons or learning games and completing disaster preparedness lessons before going on an easy trip is great prep for future adventures. Children like bribes too right? Tell them if you complete these activities you can sleep under the stars one night!

Asking your daughter what she would do in case someone gets hurt is an answered skill set that may just save someone one day down the road at some point.

Packing Stage

packing a backpack

Pack lightly

Make sure you pack all the essentials for your trip, including food, water, shelter, and first-aid supplies, but resist the temptation to overpack. Keep in mind that kids tend to tire quickly, so it’s important to travel light in order to make the hike enjoyable for everyone.

Be prepared for bad weather

Be ready for weather changes by taking suitable clothes and equipment. If you’re hiking in cold weather, make sure everyone has plenty of warm layers. And if you’re hiking in wet weather, pack rain jackets and waterproof shoes.

Let them pack their own backpacks

One of the best ways to teach your kids about backpacking is to let them pack their own backpacks. This will not only give them a sense of responsibility, but it will also allow them to learn about the different items they need to bring on a backpacking trip.

Of course, you will need to help them with some of the heavier items, but for the most part, let them pack their own backpack. This will be a great learning experience for them and it will also help to lighten your load.

Set limits on what they can carry

It’s important to set some limits on what your kids can carry, especially if they’re younger. You don’t want them to be bogged down by too much weight, and you also want to be sure they can handle their belongings. A good rule of thumb is to have them carry no more than 10% of their body weight.

So how do you determine what 10% of their body weight is? A good starting point is to have them carry their backpack for a short distance and then weigh it. This will give you an idea of how much they can comfortably carry. From there, you can adjust the amount of gear they take based on the length of your trip and their hiking ability.

On the Trail

kid tracking

Start small

Don’t try to tackle a long trail right away—instead, start with shorter hikes close to home. This will give you a chance to see how your kids do with backpacking before committing to a longer trip.

Stick to the trails

Staying on designated trails will help keep everyone safe and avoid getting lost. If you need to take a shortcut, make sure everyone knows the route before you set off.

Mind your step

When backpacking with kids, it is important to be extra careful. Kids are naturally curious and can easily get themselves into trouble. Here are a few tips to help you keep your kids safe when backpacking:

  • Make sure your kids are properly supervised at all times.
  • Keep an eye on your kids, especially when they are near water.
  • Teach your kids to be aware of their surroundings and to watch for potential hazards.
  • Be prepared for emergencies and know how to respond if something happens.

Ensure proper diet and hydration

Make sure your child is properly hydrated and fed. Keeping your child well-fed and hydrated will help them enjoy the trip more.

Take breaks often

Backpacking can be tiring, especially for young children. Take plenty of breaks so everyone can enjoy the trip.

Divide up the tasks

When backpacking with kids, it is essential to divide up the tasks so that everyone has a role to play. This will help to make the trip more fun and less stressful for everyone involved.

Here are a few tips on how to divide up the tasks when backpacking with kids:

  • One parent can be responsible for packing the food and preparing the meals.
  • Another parent can be responsible for setting up the tent and sleeping bags.
  • The kids can be responsible for collecting firewood and helping to cook the meals.

By dividing up the tasks, everyone will have a role to play in making the trip a success.

Have a daily routine

When you’re backpacking with kids, it’s vital to have a daily routine. This will help them stay calm and focused, and it will also help you stay organized.

Wake up early and start the day with some personal time. This is time for you to get your bearings and prepare for the day ahead. Try to wake up before the kids so you can have some time to yourself.

Encourage kids to walk independently

If you’re backpacking with young children, it’s critical to encourage them to walk independently as much as possible. This will help them build confidence and skills, and it will also make your hike more enjoyable.

Talk about nature and wildlife

While backpacking with kids, you’ll want to take some time to educate them about nature and wildlife. This can be a great opportunity to teach them about the importance of conservation and how they can help protect the environment. You can also use this time to bond with your kids and instill a love for nature in them.

Don’t forget the Leave No Trace principle

Teach your children the Leave No Trace principles before you go. Helping your children understand how to minimize their impact on the environment is crucial when backpacking with them.

Your children should understand that if they pack it in, they have to pack it out. Explaining the principles will also help your kids appreciate nature more and enable them to Scouting activities.

Also Read: Creative Backpacking Meals


We hope you found these tips on how to make backpacking with kids a breeze helpful. Remember to start planning early, pack light, and be prepared for anything. With a little bit of planning and preparation, backpacking with kids can be a fun and rewarding experience for the whole family.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you take kids backpacking?

Backpacking with kids can be a great way to bond with your children and teach them about nature and the great outdoors. However, it’s important to take some extra precautions when backpacking with kids, such as packing extra food and water and being aware of your surroundings. But as long as you take the necessary precautions, backpacking with kids can be a fun and rewarding experience.

When should kids start backpacking?

It depends on a number of factors such as the child’s age, maturity, and physical ability. However, most experts agree that kids can start backpacking when they are around 8 years old or so. Before then, they may not be able to carry a backpack or walk long distances.

How much can a child carry backpacking?

It depends on a few factors, such as the child’s age, size, and strength. A general rule of thumb is that a child can carry up to 10 to 20 percent of his/her body weight. So, for example, a 50-pound child could carry up to 5 to 10 pounds in a backpack.
Of course, every child is different, so it’s important to consider your child’s individual abilities when deciding how much they should carry. If you’re not sure, it’s always best to err on the side of caution and start with a lighter load. You can always add more weight later if needed.

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