Last updated on October 26th, 2022 at 10:49 am

Internal Frame Vs External Frame Backpack: The Pros and Cons

internal frame vs external frame backpack

The backpack has been a staple in the outdoorsman’s arsenal for as long as anyone can remember. There are different types of backpacks available on the market, but one of the more popular debates is Internal Frame Vs External Frame Backpack. Which one reigns supreme? Surprisingly, there is no clear-cut answer, as each has its own benefits and drawbacks depending on the user’s needs.

In this blog post, we will explore both types of packs and try to make a decision about which one is better for you.

What is an Internal Frame Backpack?

Internal frame backpacks are one of the most popular types of backpacks on the market today. They have a metal or plastic frame that is built into the backpack itself. Since the internal frame pack’s frame is located inside of the pack, it helps to distribute the weight more evenly across your body. This results in increased balance and reduces the amount of strain on your back and shoulders.

The advantage of an internal frame backpack is that it allows more movement and is more comfortable when carrying loads. However, internally framed backpacks are typically more expensive than external frame backpacks, but offer a great deal of stability and comfort. They are a newer invention when compared to external frame packs, and they have become increasingly popular over the years due to their many benefits.

What is an External Frame Backpack?

External frame backpacks are packs that have a skeleton or frame that resides outside of the pack itself. This frame is used to help support the weight of the pack and to help distribute the weight evenly. This is done by transferring the weight of the pack to the hips and by using shoulder straps to help take some of the weight off of the shoulders.

External frame backpacks are often used for backpacking and hiking, as they provide more ventilation than other types of backpacks and can hold heavier loads.

Internal Frame Vs External Frame Backpack

advantages and disadvantages of internal and external frame backpacks

Internal Frame Backpacks

Advantages of Internal Frame Backpacks

Internal frame backpacks distribute the weight of your gear more evenly across your body than external frame backpacks, making them more comfortable to wear for long periods of time.

They also keep your gear closer to your body, making it easier to maneuver in tight spaces.

Internal frame backpacks are also better at transferring the weight of your gear to your hips, which is where most of the strength for carrying a backpack comes from.

This distribution of weight makes internal frame backpacks ideal for carrying loads over longer distances.

Disadvantages of Internal Frame Backpacks

The downside to internal frame backpacks is that they can be more expensive than external frame backpacks.

Internal frame backpacks are also not as versatile as external frame backpacks.

Who Should Use Them?

Internal frame backpacks are good for people who want more control over their load distribution. They also provide a better fit because they conform to the contours of your body. This is because the weight is carried across your body, allowing for more freedom of movement.

External Frame Backpacks

Advantages of External Frame Backpacks

Typically offer more carrying capacity than internal frame packs.

Can be used to carry heavier loads than internal frame packs.

Usually less expensive than internal frame packs.

Easier to load and unload gear onto than internal frame packs.

Disadvantages of External Frame Backpacks

Heavier than internal frame packs.

Can be more difficult to maneuver when walking through tight spaces or over rough terrain.

Who Should Use Them?

External frame backpacks are good for people who want to be able to easily access their gear. The frame makes it easy to attach accessories and add extra storage. They’re also good for people who want to be able to keep an eye on their pack, since the frame is on the outside.

Internal Vs External Frame Backpack: Key Features

key features of internal and external frame backpacks

Carrying Capacity

External frame backpacks are great for carrying heavier loads, while internal frame packs are better for carrying lighter loads.

Weight Distribution

Internal frame backpacks are designed to distribute the weight of the pack evenly across your back and hips, which is why they’re often more comfortable to wear than external frame backpacks. External frame backpacks, on the other hand, are designed to distribute the weight of the pack away from your back and onto your hips and shoulders, making them ideal for carrying heavier loads.


An external frame backpack provides better ventilation than an internal frame backpack. This is because the space between your back and the pack allows air to flow more freely, which helps to keep you cool during extended hikes.

Internal frame backpacks, on the other hand, can cause you to overheat, as they rub against your back and trap heat.

Organization and Accessibility

One of the biggest benefits of using an internal frame backpack is that everything is neatly organized and easily accessible. Because all of your gear is tucked away inside, you don’t have to worry about things getting jumbled up or falling out. On the other hand, external frame backpacks are better at providing easy access to large items that you may need quick access to, such as tents and camping supplies.


External frame backpacks are also typically more durable than internal frame packs. This is because they have a stronger frame that can withstand heavier loads without breaking.


External frame packs are a bit more versatile than internal frame packs, as they can be used for activities like backpacking, camping, and hunting.

Minimalist Design

External frame packs tend to have a more bulky, utilitarian design, while internal frame packs are typically sleeker and more streamlined.


External frame backpacks are typically bulkier and more visible than their internal frame counterparts. This is because the external frame backpack features a metal or plastic framework that extends away from your body, holding the pack’s contents.

Internal frame backpacks, on the other hand, have a small frame that sits flush against your back. This design makes internal frame backpacks less visible and often more comfortable to wear, as they distribute the weight of your gear more evenly across your body.


This article compared and contrasted internal frame and external frame backpacks. Both types have their pros and cons, and it ultimately comes down to personal preference.

Hopefully, after reading this post, you now have a better understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of each type of backpack and can decide which one is best for you. Thanks for reading!

Internal Frame Vs External Frame Backpack: FAQs

Should a hiking backpack have a frame?

Backpacks with frames are usually more expensive, but they offer a number of advantages. For one, they distribute the weight of the backpack more evenly, which can make carrying it for long periods of time more comfortable. They also tend to be more durable and offer more support, which is especially important if you’re carrying a lot of heavy gear.
If you’re looking for a durable and comfortable backpack that can carry a lot of weight, then a frame backpack is a good option. However, if you’re looking for a lighter and more affordable option, then a frameless backpack might be a better choice.

What is an internal frame backpack?

An internal frame backpack is a type of backpack that has a frame inside of it. This frame helps to support the weight of the backpack and distribute it evenly across your body. Internal frame backpacks are great for carrying heavier loads, as they distribute the weight more evenly and prevent the backpack from sagging.

Should I get a backpack with an internal frame?

An internal frame backpack is more supportive and can help distribute the weight of the backpack more evenly. This can be helpful if you’re going on a long hike or carrying a lot of heavy items. However, an internal frame backpack can also be more expensive.
So, should you get a backpack with an internal frame? It really depends on your needs and preferences. If you plan on doing a lot of hiking or carrying heavy items, then an internal frame backpack may be a good option for you.

Does anyone still use external frame backpacks?

External frame backpacks are not as popular as they once were, but there are still many people who swear by them. Some people find that external frame backpacks are more comfortable to wear, especially if they are carrying a lot of gear. Others prefer the style of external frame backpacks, as they tend to be more rugged and durable. And then there are those who simply like the fact that external frame backpacks are not as common as internal frame backpacks, which makes them stand out more.
No matter the reason, there are still many people who use external frame backpacks. So if you’re considering an external frame backpack for your next hike or camping trip, know that you’re not alone.

What are the disadvantages of an external frame backpack?

One of the biggest disadvantages is that external frame backpacks can be quite difficult to carry. The frame can dig into your back, and the straps can be very tight. Additionally, the backpack can be difficult to carry if it is not packed properly. If the backpack is not balanced, it can throw off your center of gravity and make it difficult to walk.

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