Last updated on November 30th, 2022 at 08:15 am

15 Tasty and Easy Vegetarian Camping Meals That Will Keep You Satisfied

easy vegetarian camping meals

When you’re out camping, the last thing you want to worry about is what you’re going to eat. That’s why we’ve put together this list of easy vegetarian camping meals that will make your trip a breeze.

From simple quesadillas to veggie-packed burritos, we’ve got you covered. So pack up your gear and get ready for some delicious eats!

What Do You Need to Make Vegetarian Camping Meals?

If you’re looking to go vegetarian camping, there are a few things you’ll need to make sure you have in your arsenal. The most important thing is to have a good variety of plant-based foods that will provide you with all the nutrients you need. You’ll also want to make sure you have a way to cook your food, and a way to store it.

Some great vegetarian camping foods include grains, beans, nuts, seeds, and fruits and vegetables. You can cook them over a campfire, on a stove, or in an oven. Be sure to pack plenty of water and snacks.

15 Easy Vegetarian Camping Meals

Go through these easy vegetarian camping meals and make your next trip a breeze.

vegetarian meals

Stuffed Sweet Potatoes

These are easy to make, don’t take a lot of time, and can be prepared in advance.

Mix together brown rice, sweet potatoes, and green peppers. You can add black beans or corn for an extra kick of protein. Season with salt and pepper. Wrap the mix in foil, place on a stick, and roast over the fire for about 15 minutes or until it’s warm all the way through.

Tastes great with salsa!

Dried Fruit

Dried fruit is very portable and you can easily carry it in a small bag. We prefer dried apples, cranberries, mangoes, apricots, and pears.

Toss the dried fruit with a bit of honey or maple syrup to make it taste sweet. If you’re planning on hiking or backpacking over a long distance then this snack will be very helpful in keeping your energy levels up.

Pairing it with nuts makes for an extra tasty treat!


Seeds are a great source of protein and fats which is what your body needs for endurance activities. Seeds such as pumpkin, sunflower, chia, and flax seeds are rich in Omega 3 fatty acids which can help with reducing inflammation in the body and also promotes heart health.

The proteins in seeds help to build muscle tissues and also help you feel full for longer periods of time.

Nuts such as walnuts, almonds, cashews, etc are another great source of protein and healthy fats.

Baked Potato with Tofu Sour Cream and Chives

This vegan recipe is easy to make. It’s a great snack or side dish for any meal. We like to take this with us when we go camping because it is so easy to make and so tasty!

Homemade Oatmeal Cups

These homemade Oatmeal Cups are perfect for a quick and easy breakfast or snack. You can customize them to your liking with your favorite add-ins. They are easy to make and easy to pack in a bag.

You can mix up the ingredients so that you have different flavors each day, or if you like oatmeal all the time then just use the same recipe each day.

Buffalo Cauliflower Bites

This buffalo cauliflower bites recipe is an absolute must for any vegetarian camping menu. The crispy breading gives the cauliflower a nice texture, and the sauce is just spicy enough to keep things interesting.

You can make your own bread crumbs from some old bread, or you can use panko if you want to save yourself some time.

Homemade Breakfast Burritos

If you like to eat a hearty breakfast, this recipe is for you. The breakfast burritos are packed with healthy and delicious ingredients that will keep you full all morning long. They’re also vegetarian and can be made vegan if you use tofu instead of eggs.

Sweet Potato and Black Bean Enchiladas

These enchiladas have a delicious Tex-Mex flavor and are very easy to make. To make them vegetarian, simply omit the chicken and replace it with extra black beans.

Bean Burritos

A can of refried beans and a package of tortillas make these vegetarian camping meals easy to prepare. You can add salsa, cheese, lettuce, or any other toppings you want. It’s one of the easiest meals to make while camping.

Pasta Salad

Just boil up some pasta and toss in some vegetables, then serve with dressing on the side. Easy vegetarian camping meals that everyone will love.

Tofu Fajitas

Fajitas are one of the easiest meals to make while camping. They’re quick, easy, and filling. Use a package of tortillas, some fajita seasoning mix, and then add in your favorite vegetables and tofu.

Veggie Burgers

If you want something more substantial than a sandwich or salad for dinner, then veggie burgers are an excellent choice. There are lots of different varieties to choose from and they’re easy to cook on the grill or in a frying pan. We like to add sliced tomatoes and onions to mine for extra flavor.

Veggie burgers are great for camping because they don’t need to be refrigerated, and you can even freeze them before your trip. Just wrap them in foil or plastic wrap and place them in a freezer bag until you’re ready to pack them up. You can cook them directly from the freezer if you prefer, but just make sure that they thaw out completely before cooking.

Easy Vegetarian Chili

We think it’s safe to say that the majority of people who visit this article are either vegetarian or vegan. We know that for us, a meatless meal is a must once a week. This Easy Vegetarian Chili is an awesome recipe for all you non-meat eaters out there!

Vegan Chocolate Chunk Cookies

Everyone loves a good chocolate chip cookie. These Vegan Chocolate Chunk Cookies are a great option for all you non-dairy eaters out there! They’re also gluten-free, and refined sugar-free.

Easy Veggie Lasagna

We know what you’re thinking, “How the heck can I make lasagna in a dutch oven?” It’s actually quite simple. The lasagna is already cooked when you get to camp, so all you have to do is layer it and let it sit for about 30 minutes.

All of the veggies are pre-cooked as well, so there’s no worry about food poisoning from undercooked eggs. This recipe also calls for vegetarian ground beef, which is pretty easy to find.


Thanks for checking out our post on easy vegetarian camping meals. We hope you found this information helpful and that you’ll be able to put these recipes to good use on your next camping trip.

If you have any questions or feedback, please let us know by leaving a comment below or contacting us directly. We hope to see you again soon!

Frequently Asked Questions

What can vegetarians eat while camping?

If you’re a vegetarian, you might be wondering what you can eat while camping. With a little advance planning, you can enjoy a variety of tasty vegetarian meals while you’re out in the wilderness.
One option is to bring along some canned or dried soup. You can also bring along some pasta or rice dishes that can be cooked over a campfire. If you’re looking for something a little more substantial, you can bring along veggie burgers or bean burritos. And don’t forget the snacks. Packing some trail mix or granola bars will help you stay fueled during your hikes.

How do vegans eat while camping?

Eating while vegan can be challenging, particularly when camping. While most campsites will have some vegan-friendly options, such as salad or fruits, it is often difficult to find vegan meals that are both satisfying and nutritious.
One option for vegan campers is to bring their own food. This may require some extra planning, but it will ensure that you have all the vegan-friendly food you need. Another option is to camp in an area where there are vegan-friendly restaurants or markets nearby. This can be a great way to sample the local cuisine while still staying true to your vegan diet.
No matter how you choose to eat while vegan camping, the most important thing is to enjoy the experience and make the best of it.

Are marshmallows vegan?

There is some debate over whether or not marshmallows are vegan. The traditional recipe for marshmallows includes gelatin, which is derived from animal bones. However, there are now many recipes for vegan marshmallows that use plant-based ingredients.
So, are marshmallows vegan? The answer is not clear-cut, but it seems that it is possible to make vegan marshmallows.

Are gummy bears vegan?

Vegans do not eat animal-based products, even honey. Therefore, traditional gummy bears are not vegan. However, there are many companies that now make vegan gummy bears that are made with plant-based ingredients. So if you’re looking for a vegan-friendly treat, be sure to check the ingredients list before you buy.

Can vegans eat peanut butter?

The answer to this question is yes, vegans can eat peanut butter. Peanut butter is a plant-based food made from peanuts, which are legumes. Legumes are a type of plant that includes beans, lentils, and peanuts. Peanut butter is a popular vegan food because it is high in protein and relatively affordable.

Is jello vegetarian friendly?

Jello is a gelatinous dessert made from sugar, water, and flavorings. Gelatin is a protein derived from the collagen of animal bones, skin, and connective tissue. This means that jello is not vegetarian-friendly.

How do you take vegetables camping?

Assuming you’re willing to forgo the freshness of just-picked veggies, there are a few different ways you can take vegetables camping with you. One option is to dehydrate them before you go – this way, they’ll last longer and won’t spoil as easily. You can also pickle them, which will give them a longer shelf life and can add some extra flavor to your meals.
If you want to bring fresh vegetables with you, there are a few things you can do to extend their shelf life. First, make sure to keep them cool – either in a cooler or refrigerator, if possible. You can also buy pre-washed and cut vegetables, which will last longer than whole, uncut vegetables.

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